mosquito control

mosquito control

There’s a lot of buzz about mosquitoes lately. A recent scientific study by the University of Washington has provided fascinating new insights into this problematic pest. We’ve unraveled how their sensory systems work to influence how they choose their prey. While it’s true that we’ve been observing the “who” for quite some time, we are finally learning the all-important “why.”


Breakthroughs like these help us to develop more effective ways of dealing with mosquitoes, but the truth is, we’ve already come a long way. Controlling them has long been a primary goal of the pest control industry, and significant progress has already been made. So, if you’ve been putting up with them around your home, you don’t have to. Solutions are not just on the horizon; they’re here.

To bring you up to speed, let’s review some critical facts, dispel a few myths, and talk about how modern technology can make a difference.

Mosquitoes Are Worthless 

Myth. As aggravating as these pests are, mosquitoes are also beneficial pollinators. (Did you know that they eat more flower nectar than blood?) They are also an important food source for many other animals (especially bats) and insects.

All Mosquitoes Bite

Myth. There are over 3,000 species that do not, and of the ones that do, it is only the females that bite.

Mosquitoes Prefer Certain Blood Types

Fact. They have shown a distinct preference for Type O blood.

One Mosquito can lay a thousand eggs or more.

Fact. The average female lays about 300 eggs at once and does so 3 or 4 times during her lifetime. She only needs a tiny amount of still or stagnant water to do it.

Mosquitoes Kill More People Than Any Other Animal

Fact. The diseases they spread, malaria, yellow fever, Zika, dengue, West Nile, chikungunya, and more, make them the deadliest. And yearly, more of those deaths occur in the U.S.

People Who Have Fairer Skin Are More Likely To Be Targeted

Myth. Your skin color makes no difference. The earlier study revealed that a mosquito does not see skin color. When they look at you, they only see the color red.

What You Eat And Drink Can Make You More Attractive To Mosquitoes

Fact. Although there are more studies to be done, we already know that mosquitoes are more likely to follow you if you’ve been drinking beer or eating bananas.

Modern Mosquito Control Solutions

You deserve to relax in your backyard, throw a party, or let your kids play without worrying about mosquitoes (or having to burn smelly candles or douse yourself with unpleasant sprays). Advancements in technology make that possible, and there is no better specialist in the Chicago or Hampton Roads areas to implement it than Tonys Pest Killers.

With a wide range of customizable treatments that are as affordable as they are effective, your best solution is just a click away. We can also target rodents, bed bugs, spiders, and more. Contact us today, and let’s get started.

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