ant exterminator

Ant exterminator

Ants are a common pest found throughout the continental United States. While they naturally live underground or inside trees, they invade homes and businesses in search of food, water, and shelter. Some species travel in and out of buildings from their outside colonies, while others nest and breed inside walls, attics, and storage areas. When individuals find food while scouting, they leave strong chemical markers that other colony members can follow.

Ants are disease vectors. They carry dangerous microorganisms on their bodies as they move across stored food and preparation areas, such as E. Coli, Salmonella, and Shigellosis, among other diseases. Wherever they are present, they attract other pest species that feed on them. 

Some species can cause significant property damage. People typically think of Carpenter Ants as one that feeds on wood. While they do not eat wood, they aggressively chew through it to build nests and tunnels for safety and travel. A tell-tale sign of Carpenter Ant infestation is sawdust piled around baseboards and other interior wood structures. Like termites, they are especially attracted to damp wood exposed to ground-level soil. Other signs of infestation include burrows and holes around electrical outlets, windowsills, and plumbing and bubbling paint on baseboards. If you see even a few moving inside, it is almost certain that many others are hidden nearby.

Pavement Ants have been in North America since the 1700s. They damage paved concrete surfaces outdoors and in basements, foundations, and garages when they can get indoors. They place upward pressure on some concrete parts while undermining other areas with their underground earth-moving.

Odorous House Ants have their name because of the strong odor they emit when crushed. While many of us claim that the smell is like rotten coconuts, participants in a scientific test ranked blue cheese and cleaning spray as the top choices. Upon chemical analysis, the ant and blue cheese shared a significant component, methyl ketone. These pets are often found inside buildings, as they prefer to nest in soft and moist wood structures where they can stay warm in the winter. They are eager to feed on stored food and food wastes and move their nests quickly to be near food sources.

Proper control depends on correctly identifying the species that has infested a building so that the right materials and techniques can effectively and responsibly eliminate them. Long-term control can involve using exclusionary materials to close off vulnerabilities that the pests can exploit to gain entry and also changes to store food and waste properly. 

Tonys Pest Killers is the go-to professional pest control company serving Chicago and Hampton Roads, VA, metropolitan areas. We are a veteran and family-owned and operated business and put our highest priority on complete customer service and satisfaction. Contact us today for more information about how we can help with eliminating and excluding ants, bed bugs, rodents, and other pest species from your home or business or for a free estimate.

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